Baby’s First Birthday: A Year of #MadAboutMaddie
Today is my first child's first birthday. That's only going to happen once! How can I distill 365 incredible days into a single blog post? I probably can't.
10 Tricks My 11-Month-Old Can Do
Every day Maddie seems to be getting a little bit more interactive, a little bit more intelligent and a little bit closer to communicating with us.
Surviving Curiosity – Keeping My Daughter Safe Despite Her Own Best Efforts
Now that our daughter is becoming more mobile and curious, keeping her safe is becoming a difficult and necessary full-time job.
Father’s Day Thoughts: The Great Improvisation of Parenting
Yesterday was technically not my "first" Father's Day, but it was my first one with a baby on the outside, and what a difference a year makes.
A Letter From My 9-Month-Old Daughter
Last night I found this note from my daughter under my pillow. She's got some thoughts she'd like to share about her first nine months.
Crying My Daughter to Sleep
Last night, there was a lot of crying in my daughter's room at bedtime. But this time my daughter wasn't the one doing the crying.
Fatherhood at Five Months – Moments with Maddie
This is what it's like to be the father of a five-month-old baby. These are some things I never want to forget.
All I Want For Christmas Is My Lower Two Front Teeth
Maddie's first Christmas would have been momentous enough, but she is filling the week before Christmas with some other firsts, too.
Dispatches from Baby Sleep Training Boot Camp
Since our daughter was baptized last weekend, we decided to celebrate with a true test of faith: We were going to get serious about changing her sleep habits and nighttime routine.
One Year As A Dad
One year ago today, we found out we were going to be parents. And now we are.