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"Stay Calm, Dude" - #40Days40Dads – Dad Has A Blog

“Stay Calm, Dude” – #40Days40Dads

Today’s father in the #40Days40Dads campaign is Cory, known online as the Lean Green Dad. He has high standards as a role model for his children and, as his online persona would imply, he also values physical fitness and hopes to instill that in his kids. That’s something I really need to master for myself1 before kids start arriving and I have to try to pass it on to them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Corey!

Dad #8: Cory

Cory is the father of a 7-year-old, a 5-year-old and an 8-month-old.

What was the moment when you first felt like a father?

When I was 15 years old, I babysat three boys who are grown-up, but still close friends today. The youngest was a baby. It was my first time having a paternal instinct and I knew right then and there I wanted to be a dad as an adult.

What’s your favorite part about being a father?

My favorite part about being a father is the responsibility I have to lead by example. I really enjoy leading a life of purpose, positivity and motivation in hopes that it will come naturally to my kids as they mature.

What’s the hardest part about being a father?

The hardest part about being a father is any time my kids get hurt…emotionally or physically. I have to stay strong and again serve as a good role model by reacting in a mature way…and sometimes that can be hard.

What’s the dumbest/funniest thing that your kid has cried about or fought with you over?

The dumbest thing we have fought about…hmmm…well…this morning it was over my son taking his sweater off while he ate his oatmeal. LOL.

What are you most proud of having taught/shared with your kids or what are you most looking forward to teaching/sharing with them?

I am a very athletic Dad. I am always working out and doing pushups or whatever. I want my kids to continue to stay active in their lives, no matter what they do. I feel that being physically fit and able to move is a gift–and if you have the ability to move freely–that you should do it…and do it often!

What’s your favorite thing about your kids?

I love that each of my kids has their own individual and unique personalities. They all require a slightly different aspect of me, which in turn, makes me a better and more complete person.

If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice when you first became a father, what would you say?

Stay calm, dude. Relax. (my old self would be irritated by this current self saying that to him)

Any other comments to share on fatherhood?

Being a dad is the most important job in the world that any man can have.

If you’re a father or you know a father who would like to share his story, send him to this link to answer the questions. Stay tuned for another dad’s crib notes tomorrow!

  1. I should probably get on that…

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