Maddie’s Got Jokes: Developing A Sense of Humor
My daughter seems to be developing a sense of what role do parents play in developing humor in their children?

10 Realistic Valentine’s Day Cards for New Parents
If you've had a baby in the last year, your life has been turned upside down and everything is different. And that goes for Valentine's Day, too.
Fatherhood at Five Months – Moments with Maddie
This is what it's like to be the father of a five-month-old baby. These are some things I never want to forget.
One Year As A Dad
One year ago today, we found out we were going to be parents. And now we are.

My First Father’s Day
I'm not sure that you're allowed to have a blog on fatherhood if you don't post something on Father's Day, so here you go.

Lessons in Parenting at the Zoo
We saw a lot of animals at the zoo...but we saw even more parents showing their kids around. Here are my safari notes from the field.

Imagining the Finish Line at the Halfway Mark
Watching a Seth Meyers video got me thinking about my daughter's birthday...and how we're now closer to the finish line than the beginning of the pregnancy.

“Are You Sure It Wasn’t A Unicorn?” – #40Days40Dads
Today's #40Days40Dads contestant is my wife's brother Mike, father of 2 sons and 6 daughters. That's 8 kids for those of you scoring at home!

Bedtime Comes Eventually – #40Days40Dads
Today's installment of the #40Days40Dads project comes from a land down under, where Hayden is a stay-at-home father to five children--the latest of which just joined the family a couple weeks ago.

The Value of Silliness – #40Days40Dads
Today's #40Days40Dads entry comes from my cousin Phil, who is featured prominently in many of my best childhood memories of imaginative play.