One Year As A Dad
One year ago today, we found out we were going to be parents. And now we are.
The Birth Story
It's been almost two weeks since the moment that changed my life. Here's the official birth story of my sweet little daughter.
The Last But Not Least Trimester
When I look back on this pregnancy, it’s hard to decide if it’s gone quickly or taken forever. These days, it feels like forever.
One Month Til the Due Date
We reached another milestone in our road to parenthood, as today is exactly one month from the expected due date of August 5!
Lessons in Parenting at the Zoo
We saw a lot of animals at the zoo...but we saw even more parents showing their kids around. Here are my safari notes from the field.
Mother’s First Mother’s Day
An open letter to my wife on her first Mother's Day as a mother.
Imagining the Finish Line at the Halfway Mark
Watching a Seth Meyers video got me thinking about my daughter's birthday...and how we're now closer to the finish line than the beginning of the pregnancy.
She’s A Girl!
We were finally able to share the good news with our families this weekend, so we're letting the cat out of the bag online now, too!
Please…No Cameras
That's the imagined voiceover I hear when I see our baby's first 3D closeup, taken tonight through the awesome power of ultrasound technology.
What’s the Gender? Cast Your Vote!
Today is the day we (hopefully) find out the gender of our baby! Do you have a gut feeling? Cast your vote and let us know!